Bielskiego Library, Warsaw:
"Uzbekistan", part 1, part 2, 2022
"Cape Verde Islands", 2022
"Extremes in travel and life, or what makes us stronger." Night of Libraries, Meeting and moderated discussion, 2021
"Connecting worlds in the library", Night of Libraries - moderated discussion, 2019
"Iceland. Winter stories", 2018
"Ceramics - how it's done", 2018
"Ethiopia with ceramics in the background", 2018 "Ceramic Thursdays" of the Association of Polish Ceramists, CPK Warsaw:
"Ethiopia with ceramics in the background", 2017
"My India", 2016
"Is raku a Raku? Or Japan vs. America." Glass and Ceramics. 3/2021.
"Ceramic Exoticism of Ethiopia" Glass and Ceramics No. 3/2018
"What is Raku" Neighbors Magazine No. 40, 2017
Radio For You, RDC Afternoon: Ethiopia with Ceramics in the Background, 2018